Organizational Analysis
CICG applies a symmetrical combination of three organizational analysis models in order to gain the most comprehensive depiction of our client's needs and challenges and to then construct the most efficient and accurate responses. CICG's employment of the CAB method of analysis provides actionable, data driven answers to all of your company's critical strategic questions.
Management of Intellectual Property
Should your company requires assistance in the registration, management and enforcement of the company's copyrights, trademarks and patents, CICG, through its network of professional associates, can assist.
Advice on Government Contracting
If your company's strategic business plan includes U.S. Government sales, CICG can assist your company in the application for and management of a GSA Multiple Awards Schedule Contract.
Research on Global Markets
When required, CICG, through its global network of associates and advisors will provide your company with the most current and accurate data available on the movement of global markets, including the latest information on emerging markets.
Incorporation & Deployment of The Stategic Plan
CICG will work with your company to assist in the efficient incorporation and deployment of your custom designed strategic business plan ensuring symmetry among your corporate, operational and business units.
Strategic Planning
CICG will assist your company with constructing an effective strategic business plan uniquely designed to address your company's needs, goals and vision. CICG's plan will better identify where your company is headed and create cohesion within your organization to acheive its target goals and vision.
Talk to a CICG advisor today
Solutions & Services
At CICG, we understand that your company's needs are unique. A CICG advisor is ready to help by working with you on a one-on-one basis, in order to fully understand and effectively address each of those needs.
CICG will create a strategic business plan customized to your company's needs, goals and vision and will assist you in the efficient implementation of that plan throughout your organization.